stplanpy.srtm module¶
This module performs operations on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM).
- stplanpy.srtm.elev(points: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, file_name, tmp_dir='tmp') geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame ¶
Compute the elevation at the locations in the points GeoDataFrame
Read a (zipped) GeoTIFF file, reproject it the right coordinate reference system (crs), and use it to compute the elevation at the locations give in the points GeoDataFrame.
- Parameters
points – GeoDataFrame with points at which the elevation is computed.
file_name (str) – Name and path of the (zipped) GeoTIFF file.
tmp_dir (str, defaults to "tmp") – Name of temporary directory to store reprojected GeoTIFF file and extract the zip archive to.
- Returns
DataFrame with elevation data
- Return type
The example data file, “”, can be downloaded from github.
import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely import wkt from stplanpy import srtm # Create GeoDaFrame with some points df = pd.DataFrame( {"tazce": ["00101565", "00101589", "00101488", "00101503", "00101594"], 'coordinates': ["POINT(-11822098.758 4499746.118)", "POINT(-11820711.661 4497355.121)", "POINT(-11820275.989 4496557.912)", "POINT(-11826751.214 4506575.748)", "POINT(-11823373.407 4503632.347)"]}) # Parse wkt format: df['coordinates'] = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(df['coordinates']) # Create GeoDataFrame points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry="coordinates") # Set coordinate reference system (crs) points = points.set_crs("EPSG:6933") # Compute elevation at points points = points.elev("")
- stplanpy.srtm.reproj(file_name_in, file_name_out, crs='EPSG:6933')¶
Reproject a GeoTIFF file
Read a GeoTIFF file, reproject it to another coordinate reference system (crs), and write it to disk. The default crs is “EPSG:6933”.
- Parameters
file_name_in (str) – Name and path of the input GeoTIFF file.
file_name_out (str) – Name and path of the output GeoTIFF file.
crs (str, defaults to "EPSG:6933") – The coordinate reference system (crs) of the output GeoTIFF file.
The example data file, “”, can be downloaded from github.
import os import shutil import zipfile from stplanpy import srtm # Extract to temporal location with zipfile.ZipFile("", "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall("tmp") # reproject GeoTIFF file and write to disk srtm.reproj("tmp/srtm_12_05.tif", "srtm_12_05_EPSG6933.tif") # Clean up tmp files shutil.rmtree("tmp")