stplanpy.od module¶
The functions in this module perform various operations on origin-denstination or flow data.
- stplanpy.od.distances(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) pandas.core.series.Series ¶
Compute distance along origin-destination lines or routes
This function computes the distance along origin-destination (od) lines or routes in the fd GeoDataFrame.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
Series with distances
- Return type
import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely import wkt from stplanpy import od # Define two origin-destination lines df = pd.DataFrame({ "orig_taz" : ["73906", "00106"], "dest_taz" : ["00120", "04120"], "geometry": [ "LINESTRING(-91785727.431 4453819.337, -11782276.436 4448452.023)", "LINESTRING(-11785787.392 4450797.573, -11787086.209 4449884.472)"]}) # Convert to WTK df["geometry"] = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(df["geometry"]) # Create GeoDataFrame gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry='geometry', crs="EPSG:6933") # Compute distances gdf["distance"] = gdf.distances()
- stplanpy.od.frm(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, code) geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame ¶
Select origin-destination flow data
This function selects origin-destination flow data from a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ), Census Designated Place, or a County, designated by the code variable. The length of the code variable is used to determine whether it applies to a TAZ, Place, or County.
- Parameters
code (str) – The code of Traffic Anaysis Zone (8 characters long), Census Designated Place (5 characters long), or County (3 characters long).
- Returns
GeoDataFrame with origin-destination from data for selected code.
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz) # Select origin-destination data from East Palo Alto flow_data = flow_data.frm("20956")
- stplanpy.od.gradient(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, elevation: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, orig='orig_taz', dest='dest_taz', dist_name='distance') pandas.core.series.Series ¶
Compute the gradient along an origin-destination line or route
This function computes the gradient, \(\nabla = h/d\), along an origin-destination line or route. \(d\) is the distance and \(h\) is the elevation change.
- Parameters
elevation (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame with elevation information for all the begin and end points of the origin-destination lines or routes in the fd GeoDataFrame.
orig (str, defaults to "orig_taz") – Column name in the fd GeoDataFrame containing all origin codes.
dest (str, defaults to "dest_taz") – Column name in the fd GeoDataFrame containing all destination codes.
dist_name (str, defaults to "distance") – Column name in the fd GeoDataFrame containing distance information
- Returns
Series with gradients
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “” can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od from stplanpy import srtm # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Compute centroids taz_cent = taz.cent() # Compute elevations taz_cent = taz_cent.elev("") # Compute origin-destination lines flow_data["geometry"] = flow_data.od_lines(taz_cent) # Compute distances flow_data["distance"] = flow_data.distances() # Compute gradients flow_data["gradient"] = flow_data.gradient(taz_cent)
Compute mode share
Compute the mode share for Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ), Census Designated Places, or Counties. This function tries to determine itself whether the gdf GeoDataFrame contains TAZ, Place, or County data, but this behavior can be overruled by specifying the orig, dest, and code variables. By default the “bike” mode shares is computed, but other modes of transportation can be specified.
- Parameters
flow_data (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing all the origin-destination data.
to_frm (str, defaults to "to_from") – Indicates whether only trips to a location, from a location, or both should be considered. The value of to_frm should be either: “to”, “from”, or “to_from”. The default is “to_from”.
modes (list of str, defaults to ["bike"]) – Default list of modes of transportation to compute the mode share for. Defaults to [“bike”].
orig (str, defaults to None) – Origin codes in gdf GeoDataFrame. Defaults to “orig_taz”, “orig_plc”, and “orig_cnt” for TAZ, Places, and Counties, respectively.
dest (str, defaults to None) – Destination codes in gdf GeoDataFrame. Defaults to “dest_taz”, “dest_plc”, and “dest_cnt” for TAZ, Places, and Counties, respectively.
code (str, defaults to None) – Codes in flow_data GeoDataFrame. Defaults to “tazce”, “placefp”, and “countyfp” for TAZ, Places, and Counties, respectively.
- Returns
DataFrame containing the mode share for each mode of transporation.
- Return type
See also
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz) # Compute the mode share place[["bike", "all"]] = place.mode_share(flow_data)
- stplanpy.od.od_lines(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, centroids: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, orig='orig_taz', dest='dest_taz') geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries ¶
Compute origin-destination lines
Compute origin-destination lines for all origin-destination pairs in GeoDataFrame fd. The centroids GeoDataFrame contains the coordinates of all the origins and destinations.
- Parameters
centroids (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame with the coordinates of all the locations in the fd GeoDataFrame.
orig (str, defaults to "orig_taz") – Column name of the fd GeoDataFrame containing all origin codes.
dest (str, defaults to "dest_taz") – Column name of the fd GeoDataFrame containing all destination codes.
- Returns
GeoSeries with origin-destination lines
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Compute centroids taz_cent = taz.cent() # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz) # Compute origin-destination lines flow_data["geometry"] = flow_data.od_lines(taz_cent)
- stplanpy.od.orig_dest(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, taz: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, taz_name='tazce', plc_name='placefp', cnt_name='countyfp') geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame ¶
Add County and Place codes to origin-destination data
This function adds County and Census Designated Place codes from the GeoDataFrame taz to the origin-destination or flow GeoDataFrame fd. The relevant column names are defined in taz_name, plc_name, and cnt_name, respectively. The column names in the output GeoDataFrame are “orig_taz”, “dest_taz”, “orig_plc”, “dest_plc”, “orig_cnt”, and “dest_cnt”.
- Parameters
taz (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing Traffic Analysis (TAZ) codes, Census Designated Place codes, and County codes.
taz_name (str, defaults to "tazce") – Column name in taz GeoDataFrame that contains TAZ codes. Defaults to “tazce”.
plc_name (str, defaults to "placefp") – Column name in taz GeoDataFrame that contains Census Designated Place codes. Defaults to “placefp”.
cnt_name (str, defaults to "countyfp") – Column name in taz GeoDataFrame that contains County codes. Defaults to “countyfp”.
- Returns
GeoDataFrame with origin and destination TAZ, County, and Place codes. The column names are “orig_taz”, “dest_taz”, “orig_plc”, “dest_plc”, “orig_cnt”, and “dest_cnt”.
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz)
- stplanpy.od.rm_taz(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, code, orig='orig_taz', dest='dest_taz')¶
Remove Traffic Analysis Zones from origin-destination data
This function removes a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) from the origin-destination GeoDataFrame fd. Occurences of TAZ code are removed both when occuring as the origin and the destination. The column names of the origin and destination data are orig and dest, and default to “orig_taz” and “dest_taz”, respectively.
- Parameters
code (str) – The code of Traffic Anaysis Zone.
orig (str, defaults to "orig_taz") – Column name of the fd GeoDataFrame containing all origin codes.
dest (str, defaults to "dest_taz") – Column name of the fd GeoDataFrame containing all destination codes.
- Returns
GeoDataFrame with TAZ code removed.
- Return type
See also
The example data file “od_data.csv” can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # Remove TAZ flow_data = flow_data.rm_taz("00103024")
- geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, code) geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame ¶
Select origin-destination flow data
This function selects origin-destination flow data to a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ), Census Designated Place, or a County, designated by the code variable. The length of the code variable is used to determine whether it applies to a TAZ, Place, or County.
- Parameters
code (str) – The code of Traffic Anaysis Zone (8 characters long), Census Designated Place (5 characters long), or County (3 characters long).
- Returns
GeoDataFrame with origin-destination from data for selected code.
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz) # Select origin-destination data to East Palo Alto flow_data ="20956")
- stplanpy.od.to_frm(fd: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, code) geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame ¶
Select origin-destination flow data
This function selects origin-destination flow data to and from a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ), Census Designated Place, or a County, designated by the code variable. The length of the code variable is used to determine whether it applies to a TAZ, Place, or County.
- Parameters
code (str) – The code of Traffic Anaysis Zone (8 characters long), Census Designated Place (5 characters long), or County (3 characters long).
- Returns
GeoDataFrame with origin-destination from data for selected code.
- Return type
The example data files: “od_data.csv”, “”, and “”, can be downloaded from github.
from stplanpy import acs from stplanpy import geo from stplanpy import od # Read origin-destination flow data flow_data = acs.read_acs("od_data.csv") flow_data = flow_data.clean_acs() # San Francisco Bay Area counties counties = ["001", "013", "041", "055", "075", "081", "085", "095", "097"] # Read taz data taz = geo.read_shp("") # Rename columns for consistency taz.rename(columns = {"countyfp10":"countyfp", "tazce10":"tazce"}, inplace = True) # Filter on county codes taz = taz[taz["countyfp"].isin(counties)] # Place code East Palo Alto places = ["20956"] # Read place data place = geo.read_shp("") # Keep only East Palo Alto place = place[place["placefp"].isin(places)] # Compute which taz lay inside a place and which part taz = taz.in_place(place) # Add county and place codes to data frame. flow_data = flow_data.orig_dest(taz) # Select origin-destination data to and from East Palo Alto flow_data = flow_data.to_frm("20956")